Telling my troubles to the horses head on the wall.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Paper over the pain

paper over the pain
with sex
layers of orgasm
like plaster. 

but when I stretch
the cracks 
first small
rivers of doubt
wide caverns of pain

neither your touch
nor your kiss
can put me right again
until you agree 
to build a real foundation.

Last year on the sand

a year ago
they took our picture
before our story had really begun
back when you touched me in public
before you I begged you to hurt me
when I knew where I stood with you

before I was lost
in the ocean
of your eyes
their storms and their swells
when the sea was calm
and I walked along the beach

safe from the weatherman
who lives in my head
and re-reads the charts
looking for patterns
and meaning
when really
it is just nature at work

Staring out the window of the car.

No matter
what I say
my face betrays my heart
like a double agent
playing a triple.

In the outfield,
I am watching
waiting for your play.

Only happy in our games,
as your slave
a wholly owned subsidiary
of all of your possessions.

Lost in the ruble
of your home
amongst the books and papers
you constantly seek to escape

running from all that is real,
between us

and it is these thoughts which plague me
as I stare out the window of my car
 you ask me, familiar

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chair (in progress)

I have an old chair
comfortable but beaten down
when I bought it
I said to myself
"this chair is only temporary"
so it doesn't matter
that its 
the wrong color
(matching nothing in my home)
the wrong fabric
"why did I pick that pattern?"

"after all its only temporary,"I told myself as I passed it on my way to the kitchen.
Day after day
I watched T.V., read books, stared out the window
all from my temporary chair
it became a piece of my life

its color a statement of my independence
"not everything has to match"
its fabric, soft, inviting, 
with an intriguing pattern that occupied my eyes while I lost my thoughts.

Now, I claim suzerainty 
and no one else may sit there.
I adore this chair 
and think I shall never give it up.