Telling my troubles to the horses head on the wall.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chair (in progress)

I have an old chair
comfortable but beaten down
when I bought it
I said to myself
"this chair is only temporary"
so it doesn't matter
that its 
the wrong color
(matching nothing in my home)
the wrong fabric
"why did I pick that pattern?"

"after all its only temporary,"I told myself as I passed it on my way to the kitchen.
Day after day
I watched T.V., read books, stared out the window
all from my temporary chair
it became a piece of my life

its color a statement of my independence
"not everything has to match"
its fabric, soft, inviting, 
with an intriguing pattern that occupied my eyes while I lost my thoughts.

Now, I claim suzerainty 
and no one else may sit there.
I adore this chair 
and think I shall never give it up. 

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