Telling my troubles to the horses head on the wall.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Once the initial shock wore off there was a profound emptiness and a questioning voice that wondered if anything had ever been real. She would often find her self staring at her hands, her shoes, or her face in the mirror and wonder who this person was. Her life had become disconnected from the ground and she was left with the perpetual sensation that she was floating above everything unable to land. Her heart, once warm and safe in the arms of her lover now betrayed her with every beat. Not even sleep offered a respite from the pain, for even in sleep she dreamed of nothing but loss and hardship. She often woke thinking she had been shot or stabbed in some graphic attack on her person and in that moment she would reach out for comfort and find only emptiness. It seemed as though this pain was likely to continue indefinitely and it was this thought that terrified her more than any other.