Telling my troubles to the horses head on the wall.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

out there in the ether..a song on the beach

out there
in the ether
just out of reach
there's a man
that I am looking for
I've lessons
to teach

there's faith
and forgiveness
there's love
and there's hope

these lessons
I've learned
have opened
my heart

out there
in the ether
walking out
on the shore
there's a man
that I'm hoping
that I'll see once more

we've so much
to talk about
so much we can share
though the pain
we once caused
may be too much to bear

there's loss
and there's sorrow
lies and betrayal

these sins
I've committed
have put me
on trial

out there in the ether
just out of reach
there's a man
that I love
Who I'm longing to see

one day soon
he will want to see me.

one day soon
he will want to see me.

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